Olympic Park

I find it interesting that the park was designed to be used long after the games were over. I feel like many of the 21st century games that I have seen were built and then never used after the games were over. The use of the cities ruble after the bombings of WWII is also an interesting reuse of a useless material, but I wonder if there were any concerns about waste products or if those were sorted through and only safe waste was used to shape the landscape of the park. The first thing I noticed when we were looking at a map of the park was that one of the names for a major street through the park was Martin Luther King Jr. If they were trying to represent the new liberal democracy that Germany was trying to become, then one of the central figures of the American civil rights movement, who advocated for the founding principles of the United States, would be a good choice. I also like that the mass amount of green space is meant to be used. I hate going through neighborhoods and parks that have immaculately manicured lawns and gardens, but they are not being used, they are just there to look pretty. Compared to the London Tube, I much prefer the Ubahn. Its uniformity makes it more relaxing for a newcomer, and I haven’t felt the confusion like I have at some stations in London.

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